Saturday, June 8, 2019

The Bravest Girl in the World Essay Example for Free

The Bravest Girl in the World EssayMalala Yousafzai was just 15 years old when she was shot in the organize by the Taliban. The article The Bravest Girl in the World by Malala Yousafzai and Christina Lamb was presented in the December 9, 2013 issue of the upfront magazine. The article explained that the Taliban imposed harsh laws in the Pakistan region-including the banning of schooltimeing for girls. Malala Yousafzai and her father defied those laws and spoke out about alwaysy girls right to attend school. Their defiance earned them many admirers and enemies. One day, while she was travel home from school, she was shot by the Taliban. She survived the attack and has become more famous-enabling her to spread her message to the entire world.I am honestly appalled at how a girl going to school is such a big deal in Pakistan. I completely agree with Malala and her dad, girls have the right to have an precept and they should be treated equally to boys. I feel this way because edu cation is empowering and can help girls and boys alike to grow up and achieve their dreams- why would anyone involve to smash a young girls dream? Reading this story really makes you count your blessings and be thankful to have the privilege of going to school without distressing about your brains being blown out.I can connect to this situation because Im a girl, the main character is also a girl, and we have both been against sexism at one point of our lives. The only reason they had for opposing her learning was that she was a girl.If it were a boy, they wouldnt have cared one bit about him learning. There are most things that I havent been allowed to do simply because I was a girl. (Paintballing is the only thing I can think of at the moment but I manage there were more occasions.) Thankfully, its not to the extreme point of not being allowed to go to school. However, I remember a few years ago my infant wanted to go away to college and all my relatives disapproved because s hes a girl and shouldnt go away by herself. My dad still let her go and she happily went to college, got her bachelors degree, and is at present working on receiving her Masters degree.The writer communicated her message effectively by using narration. She told us what happened as if it were a story- she was also very descriptive. I detect that the writer utilized similes that doorway was like a magical entrance epithets Bhai Jan, or brother and dialogue in the article. The use of these devices helped me understand the story better and do the article more interesting.Why do the Taliban despise the thought of women learning? Is it because they are afraid that its one step closer to equality? Was the gunman ever identified? After a bit of research, I found out that 10 men were arrested in connection to the shooting. Because of this tragedy, I think that laws that protect school children should be implemented. A law should be made against stopping in the middle of the road for random strangers- especially if they have half their face covered. Also, I believe that the best way to respond to this is to have ALL the girls go to school with protection. That way, the chance of another tragedy happening is alleviated.Yousafzai, Malala, and Christina Lamb. The Bravest Girl in the World. _The sore York Times__Upfront_ 9 Dec. 2013 12-15. Print.

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